Preparing For Allergy Season 2023

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Allergy season is officially here! That means more sneezing and itching. Now that the weather is finally nice, the last thing you want to worry about is allergy symptoms. Symptoms such as watery eyes and stuffy nose, along with sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and hives worsen during spring and summer. It’s important to start preparing for the worst of allergy season early. Preparing now can help ease your symptoms throughout the season. 

What Are the Main Allergens This Season?

The main spring and summer allergens are tree and grass pollen. You may also experience allergy symptoms due to weed pollen in certain parts of the country.  Because pollen easily flows through the air, it’s hard to escape this allergen outdoors. These pollen allergens emerge: 

  • Tree pollen – Spring
  • Grass pollen – Spring and summer
  • Weed pollen – Summer and fall
  • Ragweed pollen – Summer and fall

Many parts of the country begin to see tree pollen beginning in March. In New York, allergy season also began in March which was a little earlier than usual. In the latter part of allergy season, grass pollen merges with tree pollen, and the combination can make warmer weather a miserable time for allergy sufferers. As temperatures rise, allergy season may begin earlier and last longer. 

How To Prepare For Allergy Season 2023

Begin Allergy Testing Now

If you have never been allergy tested for seasonal allergies, now is a great time to do it. New allergies may develop at any age; so even if you never had a pollen allergy before, you could be allergic to tree and grass pollen today. An allergy test is quick and accurate. We can confirm your allergies in just 10-15 minutes. Allergy testing helps our allergy specialists create your personalized treatment plan. Book an appointment at NY Allergy & Sinus Centers to begin allergy testing today.

Check the Pollen Count Near You

Since tree and grass pollen are the main allergy culprits during spring and summer, it’s best to track their pollen levels each morning. Generally at its highest in the morning between 5 am and 10 am. You can view the local pollen count near you on Tracking the days when the pollen count is at its highest can help you plan accordingly.

Consider Wearing A Mask Outdoors

Wearing a mask outdoors is an effective way to prevent pollen allergy symptoms. When pollen counts are high, allergens can easily enter the nose and cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Wearing a mask can provide a physical barrier that prevents pollen from entering the nose and mouth. There are masks designed to filter out pollen particles. This can significantly reduce the severity and frequency of allergy symptoms, allowing people with allergies to enjoy outdoor activities without suffering from discomfort. Additionally, masks provide protection against other airborne irritants, such as dust and pollution, making them a useful tool for maintaining respiratory health.

Begin Allergy Treatment Today

While we recommend beginning allergy treatment before allergy season begins, now is still a great time to seek help. Allergy immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is one of the best treatments for allergies. While it usually takes a few months to start feeling better from allergy immunotherapy, some patients have improved much sooner. Along with your daily allergy medications, allergy immunotherapy can help you feel better faster. For more information about this allergy treatment, contact NY Allergy & Sinus Centers today. You can beat allergy season!

Meet the Physician Collaborator

Dr. Sima Patel is a qualified allergist providing comprehensive medical care. She earned her osteopathic medicine degree from the Touro College and University System, New York. She completed a fellowship in allergy and immunology at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Dr. Patel is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Patel treats patients for a host of common and specialized allergies. She understands the intricacies of allergy management and believes it is possible to achieve a fully healthy allergy management and treatment plan through collaborative efforts with the patient. Dr. Patel takes a genuine interest in researching and updating herself on various new advancements in allergy and immunology, so her patients get the best and the most advanced treatment possible.